Outdoor play should be an essential part of every child’s cognitive development. Although most children nowadays prefer to be inside their homes playing with their tablets, it’s still beneficial for them to go outside and engage in outdoor activities. But their well-being should be the top priority whenever they are out, and kids’ safety is essential while they explore the great outdoors. Here are five ways to make outdoor play safe for your kids.
Establish Rules
First on our list is to establish rules. Make sure you lay down a set of rules and explain them to your kids so they can fully understand them. There are certain things that they must know before engaging in outdoor play, such as not going near the roads where there are cars or even eating things they should not be eating.
Survey The Area
Before letting your children play, check the area for safety hazards. Make sure the equipment is safe to play with for your children. For obvious reasons, this is to avoid accidents occurring while they are out having fun. Gather potentially hazardous objects, such as gardening equipment, ladders, hoses, and chemical products. Place such things in a safe place where your child or their friends cannot access them. Also, look for hazards like holes, low tree branches, thorns, and fire ant hills in your yard. Check for stinging insect nests in outdoor play equipment such as treehouses and playhouses, and investigate sandboxes for insects and animal waste regularly.
Keep Your Kids Supervised
Keep a close eye on your children, so they don’t stroll off or ride up the swing set on their own or play near the road. Adult supervision is one of the top defences young kids can use against outdoor play accidents. Adults can keep an eye out for prospective playground dangers while also being able to intervene and assist with play when needed. If an accident happens, adults can easily take appropriate action.
Be Aware Of Your Surroundings
Letting your kids play in common areas like a field, playground or even outdoor cubby house is an excellent way to meet new people and make friends. But make sure to watch the people with your kids interact. Kids must never talk to or interact with strangers, regardless of how welcoming they appear. If a stranger approaches them, they must either leave or approach you.
Let Your Children Play On Age-Appropriate Equipment
Your children must only play on equipment appropriate for their age and skill level. Some equipment may be too tall or too large for them to reach, so they must use those that are appropriate for their age.
Parents should establish clear outdoor play safety rules for their kids to avoid playground injuries, and adults should participate in active supervision. If parents follow these safety guidelines, they can substantially decrease the risk of a playground accident. It is just as essential to safeguard your child from dangers in the yard and common play areas as to child-proof your home.