Pet Rescue

We love all animals big and small
We also think they get a raw deal sometimes, and want to do anything we can to help

Over the last decade, the number of people adopting cats and dogs from animal shelters has doubled – a good sign that people are utilising pet adoption, and avoiding profitable puppy farms and backyard breeders.

Pet adoption has resulted in the decline of abandoned and euthanised pets in Australia since the turn of the millennium. According to the RSPCA between 1997 and 2005 show a 40% decline in the euthanasia rate.

Adopting a pet is easy and cost effective. Dogs and cats are also health checked, microchipped, de-sexed and vaccinated. Competent adoption centres in Australia will also have a strict adoption procedure when pairing pets with their new owner, to establish a successful adoption and to make sure your time adopting a pet is a happy one.

40% of dogs and 80% of cats that end up in pounds are unnecessarily killed, so if you are looking at buying a pet please consider rescuing one first

Australia Wide Pet Rescue

Pet Rescue


Australia Animal Rescue

Pet Rescue in Queensland

Animal Rescue Queensland

AWL Queensland


Pet Rescue in Sydney & New South Wales

Doggie Rescue – Monika’s Pet Rescue

Sydney Pet Rescue


Dog Rescue Newcastle

Companions for Life

Working Dog Rescue

Pet Rescue in Victoria

Victorian Dog Rescue

Melbourne Animal Rescue

Geelong Animal Rescue

Pet Rescue in South Australia

SA Dog Rescue

RSPCA South Australia

Pet Rescue in Tasmania

Dog Homes of Tasmania

Dog Foster Care Tasmania

Pet Rescue in Western Australia


Pet Rescue in Northern Territory

RSPCA Darwin

Dog Foster Care

Widcare Inc NT